Wednesday, 12 November 2008

The situation from within?

Here I am again in the middle of this turmoil, confusion and a situation no one really knows about.
Another day another chaos and uncertainty prevails again.
Peshawar blast leaves score dead again and wounding many more.
Taliban militants seize Humvee and looted 12 trucks carrying supplies for Western forces in Afghanistan.
I set off for my grand mother's town in Maidan the far away up into the mountains district of Dir.
Passing trough the main and relatively settled yet strategically important area of Temargara, I went on to the mountains closer to the area bordering Afghanistan.
After meeting my relatives and Friends of the childhood, I wanted to meet those much talked about who were said to be in the mountains, local Taliban or militants.
I talked to one of my relative to take me so that I can meet and talk to them and put some tough questions that I had in my mind.
To ask them why they were wanting to destroy their peaceful area or if they were from Waziristan, what they were after?
I was taken by my relatives to a far away mountain driving a TOYOTA pick up, we arrived at a place where they were staying. The house of a local resident. After hiking for a 5 minutes from the small road that we drove by, we saw a muddy house with many armed young men guarding who were supposed to be the local Taliban.
Some of my guides knew a few of them as they were local others they suspected to be local too as they were masking their faces with their shawls with only their eyes discovered.We waited downstairs and they asked us to sit in a guest room and wait for a moment.Eventually two of them came down after about 15 minutes. One of them covering his face.
I tried to persuade them to talk to me and answer some question that I had in mind, but in vain replying that 'our leaders are not present and that we should come next day'.
After a little time, while we were still waiting out side, we say 5 young men armed with heavy guns and rocket launchers and so on rushing downstairs.
This was the time when we left too and got into our vehicle seeing them getting into a big 'land cruiser' with tinted glasses setting machine guns and driving towards the town area of Kumbar.
I was left again with many thoughts of suspecsion, terror and confusion as to what was going on?

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